

Harmony House – Open the Doors

Posted by Mark Raw in Harmony Childrens Services

The doors are open at last, hooray !!! Ofsted came as planned and made a clear recommendation for registration. This is absolutely fantastic news. All of the teams hard work has really paid off and we are now ready to go!

Now is when the real work starts. We have to start getting our name out there, and showing the local authorities, care workers and procurement managers the quality of service and support that we can provide.

I have my ticket for Community Care Live in London on the 18th May and am looking forward to going along to meet old friends, make new contacts and generally see what is happening and has changed in the industry. We have one of our new adverts in the exhibition brochure – look out for us on the agenda page. I hope that no-one misses us. If you want to set up a meeting please email me at mark.raw@harmonycs.co.uk.

I’ve also set myself up at Linked In (http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/mark-raw/29/505/19a).

Please feel free to link to me. Lets see how that performs in helping spread the word.

another creation by white-fire